Behavior Management
Our staff members provide positive and realistic expectations for campers. Reasonable limits are set to maintain the health and safety of all children in the program.
To promote positive behavior, emphasis is placed on guidance into constructive activities while adequate time is allowed for free choice and self-expression. Warnings, discussions of actions, breaks, or removing privileges are used when campers display inappropriate behavior or refuse to follow an established rule. In the event of continued problems, parents will be contacted for a phone conference to give guidance and establish mutually agreeable solutions for the child’s behavior.
We rarely send children home for disciplinary reasons, but if the child’s behavior is abusive (physically or verbally) towards other campers or staff, if the child’s actions pose a threat to the safety of others or himself/herself or if the child commits what could potentially be considered a criminal action, the parents will be called to come pick up the child. It is unfair to have one camper’s poor behavior ruin the experience of the other campers, which is why we reserve the right to dismiss a child who is unreasonably misbehaving without refund. In these rare instances, it is the responsibility of the parents to pick up their child from Camp immediately.