Cell Phone Policy
We have a NO CELL PHONE POLICY at Camp.
This opportunity could be one of the only times in your child’s life when they are disconnected from technology. Leaving phones at home allows campers to focus on being a kid, relationship-building and being 100% present at Camp. Cell phones brought to Camp will be confiscated. You and your camper are responsible for obtaining the confiscated cell phone at sign-out.
Counsel your child that if they need contact home, they should speak with their counselor, the Head Counselor or the Director. Parents will be contacted if any problems arise or if their child is experiencing a challenge in adjusting to camp life.
*Cell Phones are a liability to camper safety: Research shows that cell phone use by youth in general can lead to bullying and unsafe environments. By removing a camper’s access to technology, we avoid possible exposure to the following:
Bullying via social media
Inappropriate materials outlined in our section titled ‘Inappropriate Materials’
Unauthorized photographs and videos of other campers
Homesickness due to lack of immersion into the camp environment
If you have questions or concerns about our Cell Phone Policy, please contact our office at 734-661-8051.