Lost & Found
Lost and found items are collected and displayed at Camp. Our counselors make every effort to ensure your child will return with everything he or she brought, but your child is ultimately responsible for what he or she brings. Please be sure all clothing and objects are plainly marked with your child’s name and counsel your child to keep close track of all items. Click here to purchase camper labels.
Although we do our best to help campers keep track of their belongings, things do get lost at camp. Do NOT bring any irreplaceable items.
On Check-Out Day, be especially thorough, as laundry, medication, sleeping bags or entire suitcases are sometimes left behind. If you discover something is missing upon your return home, please call Camp at (231) 548-5343 as soon as possible. The more time that passes, the less likely it will be found. Unclaimed articles are sent to the Ann Arbor YMCA after the close of each session. Articles are held for two weeks following the session, at which time they are donated to a local charity. Camp Al-Gon-Quian is not responsible for anything lost or left behind.