Lice Policy
Camp Al-Gon-Quian requires children to be lice-free: no live lice and no nits. We ask parents to check their camper two weeks prior to the session and again within 48 hours of the beginning of the session. A lice-free confirmation form will be available in the forms section of your CampInTouch account. Please complete the form two weeks prior to the start of your camper’s session. Upon your arrival at Camp or the bus stop, parents are required to affirm that you have completed the 48 hour lice check and that your camper is lice-free.
When a child arrives at Camp, the Health Officer or assistant health staff member will screen all campers for head lice and nits. If it is discovered that a camper has head lice or nits, his or her parents are responsible for providing the transportation home for their child that same evening. It is Camp Al-Gon-Quian’s policy not to treat children with head lice or nits at Camp. If your camper would like to return after treatment, you must provide verification from a doctor or lice treatment facility (ie. Rapunzel’s). The camper will be readmitted only after the lice have been eradicated. Upon arrival, they will required to be rechecked by the Camp nurse or health officer to confirm. No refunds will be issued for children unable to participate in the camp program due to lice or nits. Rescheduling to another session is not always possible, as availability is limited.