Camp Store

Camp Al-Gon-Quian’s store is open to your child at specific times during the camp session. The store contains items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, snacks and souvenirs. In addition, trail rides, optional day trips, and stay-over laundry are charged to your camper’s store account.

To avoid problems, all money is kept in the campers’ store accounts during their stays. As your child purchases items, the amount is deducted from the total. We suggest depositing at least $40–$50 for each week your child is at camp.


Day-Trips will cost between $15-35 per trip. If your camper would like to go on a trip, they will sign up for it on the second day of Camp. You will be contacted if your camper does not have the funding for the trip.


Our preferred method for depositing funds into your child’s account is through the STORE ACCOUNT section of your CampInTouch account. You will be able to charge your credit card for any amount you’d like before and during your camper’s session. These funds will flow directly into your camper’s store account balance, and will be reflected in real time.

If you would like to speak with the store manager during the summer, please call them directly during the summer at  (231) 548-5987. You will also be able to reach the store manager by emailing


Store refunds will occur in early September, after the end of the camp season. All camp store balances that remain less than $10 at the end of the camper’s stay will not be refunded.

We will also offer the option to donate unspent money on your child’s store account to our camp scholarship fund. Please be sure to check this option on your camper’s authorization form as an easy way to help make camp a reality for all kids!