Telephone Calls to Camp

Parents can call the Camp Office on Burt Lake at any time to discuss their child’s experience, for information or in emergencies at (231)548-5343. Campers are not permitted to use the telephone except for emergencies. We have found that phone calls take away from the outdoor experience and can intensify feelings of homesickness.

Please do not promise your child he or she will speak to you on the phone while at camp. This promise can worsen homesickness and behavioral issues. Any messages that need to be relayed to a camper can be done so through our office staff. All phone calls to Camp, except emergencies, should be made during regular office hours, which are between 9 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Sometimes we find it necessary to let the answering machine pick up calls during our busy camp days. Please be sure to leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.