Food Services

Balanced meals are planned and served by our food service staff. Meals are intended to be kid-friendly, nutritious and delicious. Campers eat family-style in cabin groups in the dining hall. We encourage campers to drink lots of water at and between meals. Vegetarian meals are prepared for our vegetarian campers, and there is always at least one alternative option to the main course. To better serve our campers and promote healthy eating, we supply fresh fruits, offer multigrain breads and serve water at all meals, as well as a salad bar at lunch and dinner. If your camper is vegetarian or has special dietary needs not noted on your camper’s health form, please inform the Camp Office. If your child has a food allergy, please make sure to provide detailed information on your Health History Form. You are also welcome to notify the Camp Office. We thoroughly review each health form prior to camp and provide the Health Officer and kitchen staff with a list of food allergies and dietary restrictions.

Our Food Philosophy

We know camp can be scary for some, so it is our goal to keep meals familiar as a constant between home and camp, especially for children who are newer to camp! By creating options at meals for our campers, we are opening up a sense of ownership over the choices we make about food. We recommend our parents go over healthy food habits with their child before camp, while also keeping in mind that camp is designed with our campers in mind. Our staff are trained to help guide healthy choices (i.e. “I am getting some oatmeal because I have been eating cereal a lot and want to try something new”), as well as reasonable portion sizes (i.e. “Hey camper, we can always go back for seconds, let’s start with less next time so we don’t end up having to throw away food”).